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For the tea lovers, you can pay a visit to this huge tea plantation and is perhaps one of the best things that will happen to you a long time to come. You walk into this tea estate to adventure close the variety of parallel ridges of tea plus the attractive mountains that provide a beautiful back drop for the plantation.
In case you visit on a Sunday, you will not find the farmers on the site and you are sure to find people hard at work from Monday to Saturday. In the week, the farmers can be seen picking the tea and collecting them in the baskets. They get paid by a kilo. Though they work hard, these friendly farmers are always willing to spare some time to greet the tourists. You should also remember to harm yourself with a camera, these rolling landscapes and its fantastic greens are simply unique.
Tea is also the largest export in Rwanda, The temperate climate and the fertile volcanic soil are also good for the growing plants that create this unique popular drink. The tea leaves can also be seen as it covers the mountains which in the end create a stunning contrast towards the blue skies, sunshine and the dirt roads. The visitors can also discover how this tea is harvested, and processed and how it’s brought to taste sweet. The tea plantation safari also takes place in many locations across Rwanda, with one major place being Nyungwe national park, Gisovu and Gisakura. This is also a great family tour and visitors of all ages are welcomed.
The tea may also be Rwanda’s one export, but the rolling lush hills of Rwanda countryside are also suited to coffee production, and the beans that come out of Rwanda today are considered to be on high demand all around the world. The coffee-covered hillsides sparkle bright green all throughout the year, and when the harvest is ready, the coffee cherries themselves blush a deep cranberry red to know that they are ready to be plucked. A jerry rigged of hundreds of small growers also produce coffee all across Rwanda and the visits are centered around Gisenyi and many farmer’s cooperatives and washing stations that are near here also offer safaris as they explain the coffee process throughout the year, and each of them naturally comes with a great taste. The plantations don’t link with the tourists directly, so set your visit with Green Zest Travels or any other tourist agency.